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October on the HILL!


This month at Hillcrest has been awesome. While the leaves are turning and it's starting to feel like Fall (FINALLY - do Rams love Fall? YES WE DO!), the students and teachers have been hard at work! Let me recap a few things for you:

The Club Walk - WOW! When I say it was amazing to watch the 30+ clubs come together each day for a whole week during our first ever Club Walk to present their best selves to Hillcrest, it doesn't even express enough awesomeness! Most of the HHS clubs gathered their best ideas and took to a booth at lunch times to show the rest of the school what they do during their meetings and why people should join them! I'm telling you guys now, Hillcrest is working hard to improve itself!

Trunk or Treat - Coming up we will be celebrating our first ever TRUNK OR TREAT! I am so excited to watch my fellow rams dress up and hand candy to wee little Rams out of the backs of their cars. I hear there are some pretty cool themes the groups have signed up for.

Wrestling Shoe Drive - this month, the Wrestling team has been collecting gently used shoes. Every time I head to the front office, I see more bags ready for donations - our community is amazing (although I have yet to find 4 matching sneakers to fit my hooves!). The team will be taking shoes until the 15th of December!

TikTok - SUPER cool thing that happened: our MM team has been filming funny videos to encourage all of us Rams to follow the school rules. One of those videos (the Tardy video) has gone VIRAL! They don't let Rams have TikToks, but I hear this is a good thing! Check out our TikTok @Hillcrest_High_school.

Sports - GUYS! Our Athletic teams are out here proving the greatness of HHS. Both our Football and our Volleyball teams continue to be amazing, while our Girl's Golf and Girl's Tennis are both wrapping up their seasons and Swim has just finshed!

Like I said, October has been amazing. Now we get to continue being the best high school on the hill and take on November! Stay tuned for the greatness that is my Ram family!



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